
I've never been overweight, but I do love food. As an Italian-Canadian, everything is an opportunity to celebrate, and a great meal is always the centrepiece of any gathering.

My mom is a good cook, and growing up, I never really had to lift a finger. When I first got married, she came to my new home and taught me how to cook a weeks’ worth of meals. It was the first time I realized that not only did I love to cook, I was good at it!

Over the years, I've experimented with pretty much every cuisine you can imagine. Soups, stews, crock pots, baking. You name it, I've done it. 

As a fitness enthusiast, I love to be physical, and I love to run. I love who I am when I run. I’m smart, fit, and brimming with enthusiasm. I’ve run dozens of 5K, 10K, and half-marathons. I’ve hobbled through minor injuries, from groin pulls to bursitis, but when I tore my meniscus during a Taekwondo class a couple of years ago, my world ground to a halt. I crumpled to the floor. Within seconds, my knee blew up like a puffer fish and my leg locked at an unnatural angle. I was done.

Since then, I've suffered through multiple surgeries and experienced several relapses. The injury derailed me. Forced to the sideline and betrayed by my body, I grew irritable. And I grew outwards in ways I didn't like. The road to recovery and back to the gym was a long one, but finally, almost two years later, with the help of a dear friend, I’m back at it.

But the gym alone wasn’t going to get me back to where I used to be. The fact that I’d gained a couple of dress sizes made me pretty unhappy. It forced me to take a long hard look at what my family and I were eating. On the surface, my hearty home-cooked meals looked innocent, even decadent. A closer look revealed a lot of little infractions that were adding up to a lot of unhealthy and unwanted pounds.

That’s when I started searching the internet and discovered eat clean mavens like Tosca Reno and Whitney Carlson. They’ve changed my life and they’ve changed the way me and my family eat. With a few modifications, I’m back to serving fresh and natural foods, and you know what? Big things are happening. We’re seeing changes.  

I started this blog because I want to share my kitchen creations with others. There’s no secret. It’s just good, clean, guilt-free food with all the flavor and really, no sacrifice!

Welcome to good eating!

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